Creating Design Moments with Wayfair

Whether you’ve been following along for a long time (or even if you’re new here) you’ve probably noticed that we are big Wayfair fans. Honestly, with such a wide selection of both products and pricing, who wouldn’t be? Furnishing a Boston Victorian, and a retro-style cabin in Maine, are quite different tasks, yet Wayfair has been a go-to source for both.

One of our personal goals is to demonstrate how home design can be accessible to anyone. When you’re scrolling Pinterest or Instagram you are faced with so many stunning spaces and it’s sometimes hard to discern exactly what makes that space look so special. We know that not everyone lives in an old victorian, but we also know that anyone can create a design moment. or vignettes as we call them, in their home.

When Stephen and I talk about a space we call these special views or spaces “vignettes” which makes them feel even more special. They are styled corners or views that are functional - but also just make you happy when you see them! With the right products, and design elements, you can have them in your home, too.

In the style moments below, the majority of the pieces came from Wayfair and we’re going to explain why they work so well!

// Disclaimer: We are Wayfair Partners and these affiliate links earn us a small commission. However, all opinions in this blog post are our own.

Furniture // Desk | Desk Chair

Decor // Desk Lamp | Tablet Holder | Wall Hook

Textures & Patterns in The East Room

This was one of our first rooms that we completed in Maine, and we think it’ll always be one of our favorites. This vignette is so vibrant and fun. In this styled nook, we really focused on creating different textures and combining patterns. These two design elements help the room feel cozy, layered and curated (in the best way).

When we’re thinking about textures, we’re thinking about creating dimension from flat surfaces using a variety of materials. It may be something you can physically feel, like the wood work on the walls, or something you can simply see, like the art on the wall. When you think about those picture-perfect vignettes, there are several textures involved and often stacked against one another. We used this tomato-colored, steel lamp on the nightstand of this wood bed frame (both Wayfair pieces). The movement of the natural wood grain is so different than the steel and they work together to help each other shine!

This beautiful checkered Walker rug, is the perfect example of something that contributes to both the texture and pattern in the space. Every space needs at least one interesting pattern piece! Even though this rug is bold, it plays well with the color of the lamp, so it still reads as cohesive!

Plants, bedding, and baskets are also great ways to bring in textures and patterns and Wayfair has endless options for all three!

Balance & Scale in the BOTM Bedroom

This was the Guest Suite we created in 48 hours on “Battle on the Mountain” alongside an entire bathroom! What’s cool about this space, is that it was mostly cosmetic changes, as we didn’t need to do any major renovations to reach the final product. In other words, you don’t always have to knock down walls, or break out the power tools, to make a beautiful space!

We believe that when in doubt, go big with your design pieces. That counts for rugs, art, and curtains. When these things are too small, it throws off the scale of the room and sometimes cheapens the overall look. These Wayfair curtains are an MVP item for us. We’ve recommended them and used them many times because they’re just that good. When hanging curtains, think about hanging them high, and way outside of the window frame to give the illusion that the window is bigger than it is!

In terms of balance, we chose this wood-top side table because it mirrored the natural wood ceilings so well! We also used this unique light fixture to hang lower from the ceiling for a more intimate feel. It also kind of balances the fun curtains that are on the opposite side of the bed, so that one side isn’t “heavier” than the other!

Furniture // Bed Frame

Decor // Curtains | Light | Side Table

Focusing on Colors & Contrast in our Maine Dining Room

Our Maine home is a chalet style cabin and there are so many original parts that we wanted to honor in the design. Our design vision for this house is to blend modern and retro vibes. We’re part of the “not everything needs to match” movement, and blending two seemingly contrasting styles, creates visual interest.

The stone wall is probably the most “cabin-ish” part of this room and our dining room chairs are the most modern. However, the tubular legs on these Wayfair chairs, and the velvet cognac seats make them feel more retro- bridging the gap between old and new. Complementary colors are almost guaranteed to look good together and in this case, the orangey chairs are the perfect contrast to the blues in the rugs and curtains.

One more important version of contrast you want in your space, is the direction of the lines. You don’t want everything to have straight lines and square edges (like a Lincoln log toy house…no hate to those, they’re great), or for everything to be circular. As with everything in life, a blend works best. The straight lines in the curtains and the edges of the rocks, against the curved lines of the table, chairs and rug, create visual interest.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, there aren’t “rights” and “wrongs” when it comes to designing your home. Think of these more like guidelines for when you’re stuck with the final steps, or need help pulling together your style moment.

The primary goal is to blend together the styles and pieces YOU LOVE, and it will reflect your personality - and that’s what really makes a home interesting. As you’re creating your dream vision, we recommend looking to Wayfair for help!


Creating a Natural Retreat in our own backyard


3rd Floor Snug Reveal